The governance of the Company is made up of an Executive Board and a Supervisory Board.
Composition of the Supervisory Board:
- Mr François Gourdon, Member of the Supervisory Board
- Mr. Vladimir Lasocki, Member and Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Mr. Charles Villet, Member and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Envea Global, represented by Mr. Cyril Bourdarot, Member of the Supervisory Board
Vladimir Lasocki
Member and Chairman of the Supervisory Board
François Gourdon
Member of the Supervisory Board
Charles Villet
Member and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Cyril Bourdarot
Member of the Supervisory Board
Composition of the Management Board:
- Mr. Trevor Sands, CEO
- Mr. Chris Shelley, Chief Revenue Officer
- Mr. Christophe Lamy, Managing Director ENVEA France
Trevor Sands
Chris Shelley
Chief Revenue Officer
Christophe Lamy
General Manager ENVEA France